Thursday, November 5, 2009

here's to beginnings....

so they say in order to build a blog, a key is to be posting regularly, well here's a first attempt. starting this blog, i was super excited for a few things... 1. my name wasn't taken and i could take it! a rarity indeed! 2. i'll finally have some accountability with myself and the online world to get serious about the artistic side of my life. and 3. putting more eye candy out into the world :) makes my day, and i hope it makes yours!

..... to start off something that makes my day besides taking pretty pictures.......
having days off from work to have a date with a friend is top on my list of things that make my day. over a recent three-day weekend mchananator and i took the opportunity to enjoy some esplanade sun and made use of my new phone equipped with internet to check out flour bakery! needless to say, the adventure did not disappoint.

a wave of ducks decided to cross right below our toes... how could i not resist and take some pictures while dreaming of... dare i say... peking duck?

the self-portrait... still trying to master this one but i would say not bad for a fifth try =P

and the adventure/date would not be complete without yummy eats that we happened to stumble across like the chocolate banana bread pudding and homemade rapsberry lime soda :)

so just a post to get us started, future posts will be less narrative and more photos that hopefully foster a collaborative environment for feedback and love from you all of course! jk! but helpful comments really would be appreciated! 

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